Email marketing might just be the missing piece you need to level up your business and really create that business buzz you wrote to Santa Claus about last year. Due to the changing algorithms on social media email marketing campaigns are still your safest bet to reach out to your customers with content that is yours, as if one day all the platforms shut down (knock on wood) all your content will be gone and fingers crossed, you saved your content to somewhere other than Facebook.
We all remember those energizer bunny commercials when we were growing up at least I did, #not old but back to what I was saying, according to Mailerlite last year the number of landing pages increased by a whopping 70 % which means that people are spending more time behind a laptop and signing up for email newsletters, good news for us digital
marketers, so jump in with both feet and let your audience know you are here and here to stay.
Personalize your message.
Email marketing is at its best when you create a memorable experience for your potential and existing customers. Wherever possible, add a personal touch to your emails and
it’s always a great idea to use the person’s name when the email is sent out.
I always get a warm fuzzy feeling when I walk into Rituals and they know my name, this might mean I drink too much coffee, but you get the gist. By the simple act of using someone’s name you make your customers feel “special,” which can encourage them to read on or do business with you. By crafting a unique message, B2B brands have a chance to be a cut above the rest in the competitive world of B2B.
Do it yourself…
That old adage if you want something done right do it yourself has stood the test of time.
Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are email lists, and you might be tempted to buy an email list to get started but this is a bad idea, making your own list is one of the best things you can do for your B2B brand. When you make your own, you’re going to end up with a great list. Plus, it’s free!
Make it Mobile-friendly.
I don’t know about you but the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to check my cell phone. If your emails aren’t mobile-friendly, you could be missing out on the chance to engage subscribers and create long term relationships.
Keep Emails Short and Sweet
People typically like short and concise emails compared to long ones as they are to the point. Plus, when readers scan through your email, they’re likely to find the overall message before taking action! And being concise is what you should do as a B2B brand if you want anybody to read your content.
Hook em with the Subject Line
If you want to do email marketing right, the best place to begin is with your subject line. Your subject line is your first impression on subscribers. So, keep the subject line short, simple, and relevant to the email content and use action words to evoke interest, motion,
and curiosity.

Digital Intuition TT
Your Digital Marketing Partner
9-11 Fitt Street , Woodbrook, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad W.I
Tel: (868) 224-3495