Customer behavior and consumption has radically shifted with the recent pandemic.
I was recently introduced to the concept of “customer journey and customer experience”:
Customer Journey focused on understanding how the customer interacts with the brand at it’s different stages of the buying process.
Customer experience or CX is the delivery of your brand promise at every customer touch point. It aims to exceed expectations and increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy.
Intrigued by this particular area of study, I couldn’t help notice the incestral relationship between CX and Digital Marketing Strategy.
With more and more customers starting their buying journey online, it makes sense for sme’s and entrepreneurs to intertwine both concepts to focus on delighting their customers within every stage of the buyer process using the most cost effective solutions at their disposable.
Here’s how you can use Digital Marketing Strategy throughout your Customer Journey.
STAGE 1 - AWARENESS: In this stage, the consumer is likely to be looking for solutions, comparing competing brands. It is here that the consumer will likely discover your brand. Social Media has evened the playing field. Providing companies with the ability to create brand awareness with ease and pace. DITT PRO TIP:
Make it easy for the customer to get the info they need.
Ensure that your brand messaging is simplified and consistent.
Build out a Monthly /Quarterly Content Calendar to focus on the content being created and published.
STAGE 2 - CONSIDERATION: As consumers ourselves, this is where we elevate the options available, we will look at each solution, each brand to ensure it is the best option for us moving forward.
Make it easy for the customer to compare your brand to your competitors
Create content like; product comparison guides, expert guides, or do Video demos of your product. This type of content easily separates your brand from competitors in your customer's mind.

STAGE 3 - DECISION & ACTION : At this point in the journey, the buyer already knows the brand/service provider of choice and is ready to purchase. It’s not uncommon for the customer to spend more time in this phase in order to gain confidence in their purchasing decision. DITT PRO TIP:
Get in tune with the data; invest in systems that can capture data for this stage and use that data to incite or move the client along quicker.
Create content like; product comparison guides, expert guides, or do Video demos of your product
A happy customer might describe an optimal experience as effortless — consistent, engaging. They become brand Ambassadors sharing their experience freely.
Within your Digital Marketing Strategy, this can be seen in the Writing of a review or recommendation and in some case, authentic influencer reviews providing full content pieces that can be republished.
Incentivize or reward customers for leaving a review or giving a recommendation.
If each customer’s relationship with an organization is a sum of all their experiences starting with initial brand awareness and ending all the way through to their post-purchase level of engagement, then it makes perfect sense for digital marketing activities to be conducted through the lens of customer experience and customer experience be enhanced by Digital Marketing.

Digital Intuition TT Your Digital Marketing Partner
9-11 Fitt Street , Woodbrook, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad W.I
Tel: (868) 224-3495